Ways to get more Comfy at Home.
Paint your home in cool colors. You may have heard before that the colors of the walls in your home can determine your mood and they can. So, choose cooler colors (think blue’s and grays) to brighten up your home and make you feel calmer and more relaxed.
Install a fragrance warmer. Scents can make your home feel like paradise. Choose scents that cater to the changing seasons, holidays, or even good memories. Those can trigger happiness and make you feel comforted.
Make your home stress free. This may not be the easiest thing to do but try to find what are your stress triggers in your home. Maybe it’s washing dishes (invest in a dishwasher to help) or maybe it’s cooking (you can purchase delicious frozen food to help cut down on time and the need for cooking). Whatever it is, try to cut down the stress so your home is a warm and inviting environment.
Install a security system. Sometimes it’s the fear of being alone or the fear of us knowing we are not alone that keeps us from feeling safe and comfortable in our homes, security systems can help with that. Install it, turn it on whether you are home or not, and relax.
Invest in a comfortable sleeping area. The fact is, we spend so much time sleeping throughout our life, so it only makes sense to ensure those hours asleep are the best. A mattress, nice sheets, and comfortable pillows are all must-haves.
Separate work, school, and home. You might have heard that statement “take your work home with you” and I don’t think that is something to necessarily be proud of unless you love it. I think there should be a good separation between work, school, and home simply for the fact you deserve time away from each of the things. It’s easier said than done but try limiting work and school to times in your office only. Having that separation could make you feel comfortable while at home.
Surround yourself with the ones you love. Whether it’s your spouse, kids, or pets (even a combination of those) surrounding yourself with important loved ones can make you feel cozy and like home is where you heart is.
Declutter! Clutter can make you feel trapped in your home and make you resent being home. Spend a day (or two) organizing and decluttering your home. You’d be amazed at what some extra space (and breathable air) in your home can do for your feelings towards it.
Create a quiet space. Everyone needs their quite time so create an area within you
Buy some slippers. Okay this might seem a little too obvious because almost everyone owns a pair of comfortable slippers. However, slippers can make you have that comfy cozy sort of feeling when you are home and certainly relax your home where you can relax and enjoy some much-needed peace and quiet.
See more tips on our website at video.
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